
  • Luciana Florêncio de Almeida ESPM
  • Eduardo Eugenio Spers ESPM


The case studied, Ipanema coffee, illustrates how market demand for high quality product conducted the company to build longterm
relationship with its suppliers, the farmers, in order to guarantee access to high value consumer international markets. Data
was collected through in-depth interviews with the major company shareholder and also with the marketing director along with
desk research for the coffee sector panorama. The long term contract appeared as a prosperous alliance strategy in the measure that
a) reduces the risk related to the coffee quality attributes, b) creates a competitive advantage though the appropriability of specific
assets related to the coffee growing and processing, c) permits the creation of a brand name capital. The relational exchange has
been successful once it allowed the firm to export 1 million bags for 25 countries. On the other hand, as expected in partnerships,
the other party, the farmers, has incentives to continue the relationship, once it permits: a) international market access, b) premium
prices, c) risk minimization with hedge operation, and d) no investment in coffee processing structure.

Biografia do Autor

Luciana Florêncio de Almeida, ESPM

Luciana é doutora em administração pela Faculdade de Economia e Administração da Universidade de São Paulo e mestre em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Lavras. Sua dissertação em estratégia lhe permitiu experiência internacional por meio de pesquisa de campo em Montreal no Canadá, tendo recebido bolsa de estudo pelo CNPq. Em 2006 esteve como professor visitante no departamento de Economia Agrícola da Missouri University, EUA. Assumiu posições executivas em Gestão de Marketing e Gestão Estratégica e em 2002 ingressou em projetos de consultoria no Centro de Estudos dos Agronegócios (PENSA) da FEA/USP, atendendo empresas como BASF, Monsanto, Milenia, Cooxupé, Grupo ORSA, ABIMAQ, Inpress Novelli, BNDES, entre outras. Sua experiência internacional inclui cursos na McGill University em Montreal, no Canada, na Business School da Missouri Universitiy em Columbia nos Estados Unidos e no Workshop em Economia Institucional pelo Instituto Ronald Coase. Atualmente é docente do Mestrado Profissional em Comportamento do Consumidor e no curso de graduação em Administração na ESPM-SP e atua em projetos de consultoria e treinamento por meio da consultoria STRACTA, onde é sócia desde 2011 e pelo Centro de Estudos dos Agronegocios, PENSA. Tem estudado estratégia empresarial e ambiente institucional e sua relação com o comportamento do consumidor.

Eduardo Eugenio Spers, ESPM

Eduardo Eugenio Spers held post-doctorate in Wageningen University (WUR), Netherlands, in 2011 and doctorate in business administration at the University of São Paulo in 2003. He is currently a fellow in research productivity, CNPq, level 2, professor at the master in International Business at Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) and Associate Professor at University of São Paulo, campus ESALQ. Published 86 articles in specialized journals and 243 in annals of events. Has 37 book chapters and 3 books published. Has 400 technical production items. Participated in 17 international events. He was an adviser of 13 specialization projects, 34 master theses, 23 scientific initiation and 201 graduate conclusion projects. Received 22 acknowledgements. Participated in 40 research projects and in their professional activities interacted with 274 partners. Subjects of interest: business administration with emphasis in marketing and strategic management. Key words: Consumer Behavior, Marketing, International Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Agribusiness and Retail.




Como Citar

ALMEIDA, L. F. de; SPERS, E. E. RELATIONAL EXCHANGE AND PARTNERSHIPS: THE IPANEMA COFFEE CASE. Organizações Rurais & Agroindustriais, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 3, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jan. 2025.


